What's New?
- March 2003 The latest edition of Asymptopia, the Centre for Mathematical Sciences Newsletter, is now online.
- October 2002 Edward Cullinan Architects win Contract Jouranal award for designer of the year and Cambridge University is client of the year
- September 2002 The Latest edition of Asymptopia, the Centre for Mathematical Sciences Newsletter, is now online.
- August 2002 Stephen Hawking's 60th Birthday lectures were televised on 5th to 8th August on BBC4. Audiovideo streams of the preceding four-day technical workshop are also available.
- July 2002 Celebration of the centenary of the birth of Lucasian Professor Paul Dirac, Nobel Laureate and predictor of antimatter.
- July 2002 The Newton Institute celebrates its 10th birthday
- April 2002 Presentation of the Sprague salver
- March 2002 Former DAMTP professor John Polkinghorne wins the $1 million Templeton Prize
- February 2002 Plus, which is part of the Millennium Mathematics Project, has a special feature to mark Stephen Hawking's 60th birthday, which was celebrated at the CMS in January.
- January 2002 Pavilion E, the Faulkes Institute for Geometry, is ready.
- January 2002 Professor Peter Goddard is made CBE in the New Year's Honours List.
- December 2001 The CMS becomes home to the National Institute for Environmental eScience
- December 2001 The two mathematics departments receive top grading in the national Research Assessment Exercise
- October 2001 The Betty and Gordon Moore Library is now open!
- July 2001 The CMS becomes home to the Cambridge eScience Centre
- July 2001 Plus wins a Webby Award which means that it is the best science web site in the world
- July 2001 The University takes possession of the Betty and Gordon Moore Library and the Faulkes Gatehouse
- April 2001 Construction of phase 2 begins.
- December 2000 Joint Infrastructure Fund announces a second grant for the new Centre, to construct the Ambient Flow Facilty, bringing our total award up to nearly 14 million pounds.
- September 2000 Pure Maths leaves its old building in Mill Lane and occupies pavilion C.
- July 2000 Official opening of phase 1 by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
- July 2000 First public lecture in the central-core common room (pavilion A).
- May 2000 Pavilion A, the central core of the development containing a common room, cafeteria and lecture rooms, begins operation.
- April 2000 Pavilion D, the new home of the Statistical Laboratory, is ready for occupation.
- January 2000 Pavilion B, the first pavilion, is now in use!